Trees planted in the summer often struggle to become established due to seasonal droughts. Landscapers and gardeners avoid summer planting; even without drought, keeping young plants adequately watered in intense heat is a challenge. In 2014, we saw this common problem as an opportunity to put TreeDiaper® to the test.
Hanover County Parks and Recreation Department was happy to support the project and accepted 10 donated trees, along with seven TreeDiaper® mats. Taylor Park was chosen as the testing site. They were planted in July of 2014: seven with pre-soaked TreeDiaper® mats and three without for comparison. When we came back to visit a few weeks later, we found that halves of TreeDiaper® treemats had been transferred to the control group without our knowledge (4 trees with whole TD36 treemats while 6 trees with half of the TD36 treemats). We did not share the experimental details with the park employees prior, so we cannot blame them for taking necessary action to keep all of the trees alive! While this dismantled out initial experiment, it proved TreeDiaper® effectiveness nonetheless.
With TreeDiaper®, planting a tree in the summertime doesn’t have to be a risky purchase. Pre-soak and install TreeDiaper®, then water only when needed based on soil moisture. Not only does TreeDiaper® create a steady, moist growing environment, but also encourage root growth outwards, which is vital for establishment. Protect your investment in trees.
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- Dennis H, Happy Customer