Case Studies Detail

"Cool Schools" in Dallas Texas

We learned about the Texas Trees Foundation’s Cool Schools Program back in early 2018. This organization is dedicated to enhancing outdoor learning spaces for schools. We were eager to donate TreeDiaper® technology to the cause!

Dr. Yang visited Dan Rogers Elementary School to take some photos in April 2019. Three years later, we were glad to receive some more photos from a friend. These images are summarized below.

The six trees shown were planted at the same time. Three trees were planted with TreeDiaper® and three were planted with a competitor’s product. Trees #1 and #2 were installed with the competitor, trees #3 and #4 were installed with TreeDiaper®, and trees #5 and #6 received both products.

In the Sept 2024 pictures, TreeDiaper® only group (#3 and #4) outgrow the other trees significantly. Tree #5 died for unknown reasons.

We observed that the trees with only TreeDiaper® were in the best shape after three years. The trees with only TreeDiaper® were found to be the most successful, while those with a combination of TreeDiaper® and the competitor were less successful because the rainwater harvesting feature was compromised.

"The product may have its greatest utility where more extensive irrigation and plastic mulch systems are not available or not cost effective."

- Greg Litus, Manager, Colorado State University, Western Colorado Research Center
